PEP 100 – Python Unicode Integration | (2024)

Marc-André Lemburg <mal at>
Standards Track
Table of Contents
  • Historical Note
  • Introduction
  • Conventions
  • General Remarks
  • Unicode Default Encoding
  • Unicode Constructors
  • Unicode Type Object
  • Unicode Output
  • Unicode Ordinals
  • Coercion
  • Exceptions
  • Codecs (Coder/Decoders) Lookup
  • Standard Codecs
  • Codecs Interface Definition
  • Whitespace
  • Case Conversion
  • Line Breaks
  • Unicode Character Properties
  • Private Code Point Areas
  • Internal Format
  • Buffer Interface
  • Pickle/Marshalling
  • Regular Expressions
  • Formatting Markers
  • Internal Argument Parsing
  • File/Stream Output
  • File/Stream Input
  • Code Base
  • Test Cases
  • References
  • History of this Proposal
    • 1.7
    • 1.6
    • 1.5
    • 1.4
    • 1.3
    • 1.2
    • 1.1
    • 1.0
    • 0.9
    • 0.8
    • 0.7
    • 0.6
    • 0.5
    • 0.4
    • 0.3
    • 0.2
    • 0.1

Historical Note

This document was first written by Marc-Andre in the pre-PEP days,and was originally distributed as Misc/unicode.txt in Pythondistributions up to and included Python 2.1. The last revision ofthe proposal in that location was labeled version 1.7 (CVSrevision 3.10). Because the document clearly serves the purposeof an informational PEP in the post-PEP era, it has been movedhere and reformatted to comply with PEP guidelines. Futurerevisions will be made to this document, while Misc/unicode.txtwill contain a pointer to this PEP.

-Barry Warsaw, PEP editor


The idea of this proposal is to add native Unicode 3.0 support toPython in a way that makes use of Unicode strings as simple aspossible without introducing too many pitfalls along the way.

Since this goal is not easy to achieve – strings being one of themost fundamental objects in Python – we expect this proposal toundergo some significant refinements.

Note that the current version of this proposal is still a bitunsorted due to the many different aspects of the Unicode-Pythonintegration.

The latest version of this document is always available at:

Older versions are available as:

[ed. note: new revisions should be made to this PEP document,while the historical record previous to version 1.7 should beretrieved from MAL’s url, or Misc/unicode.txt]


  • In examples we use u = Unicode object and s = Python string
  • ‘XXX’ markings indicate points of discussion (PODs)

General Remarks

  • Unicode encoding names should be lower case on output andcase-insensitive on input (they will be converted to lower caseby all APIs taking an encoding name as input).
  • Encoding names should follow the name conventions as used by theUnicode Consortium: spaces are converted to hyphens, e.g. ‘utf16’ is written as ‘utf-16’.
  • Codec modules should use the same names, but with hyphensconverted to underscores, e.g. utf_8, utf_16, iso_8859_1.

Unicode Default Encoding

The Unicode implementation has to make some assumption about theencoding of 8-bit strings passed to it for coercion and about theencoding to as default for conversion of Unicode to strings whenno specific encoding is given. This encoding is called <defaultencoding> throughout this text.

For this, the implementation maintains a global which can be setin the Python startup script. Subsequent changes are notpossible. The <default encoding> can be set and queried using thetwo sys module APIs:

Sets the <default encoding> used by the Unicode implementation.encoding has to be an encoding which is supported by thePython installation, otherwise, a LookupError is raised.

Note: This API is only available in! It isremoved from the sys module by after usage.

Returns the current <default encoding>.

If not otherwise defined or set, the <default encoding> defaultsto ‘ascii’. This encoding is also the startup default of Python(and in effect before is executed).

Note that the default startup module contains disabledoptional code which can set the <default encoding> according tothe encoding defined by the current locale. The locale module isused to extract the encoding from the locale default settingsdefined by the OS environment (see If the encodingcannot be determined, is unknown or unsupported, the code defaultsto setting the <default encoding> to ‘ascii’. To enable thiscode, edit the file or place the appropriate code into module of your Python installation.

Unicode Constructors

Python should provide a built-in constructor for Unicode stringswhich is available through __builtins__:

u = unicode(encoded_string[,encoding=<default encoding>][,errors="strict"])u = u'<unicode-escape encoded Python string>'u = ur'<raw-unicode-escape encoded Python string>'

With the ‘unicode-escape’ encoding being defined as:

  • all non-escape characters represent themselves as Unicodeordinal (e.g. ‘a’ -> U+0061).
  • all existing defined Python escape sequences are interpreted asUnicode ordinals; note that \xXXXX can represent all Unicodeordinals, and \OOO (octal) can represent Unicode ordinals up toU+01FF.
  • a new escape sequence, \uXXXX, represents U+XXXX; it is a syntaxerror to have fewer than 4 digits after \u.

For an explanation of possible values for errors see the Codecsection below.


u'abc' -> U+0061 U+0062 U+0063u'\u1234' -> U+1234u'abc\u1234\n' -> U+0061 U+0062 U+0063 U+1234 U+005c

The ‘raw-unicode-escape’ encoding is defined as follows:

  • \uXXXX sequence represent the U+XXXX Unicode character if andonly if the number of leading backslashes is odd
  • all other characters represent themselves as Unicode ordinal(e.g. ‘b’ -> U+0062)

Note that you should provide some hint to the encoding you used towrite your programs as pragma line in one the first few commentlines of the source file (e.g. ‘# source file encoding: latin-1’).If you only use 7-bit ASCII then everything is fine and no suchnotice is needed, but if you include Latin-1 characters notdefined in ASCII, it may well be worthwhile including a hint sincepeople in other countries will want to be able to read your sourcestrings too.

Unicode Type Object

Unicode objects should have the type UnicodeType with type name‘unicode’, made available through the standard types module.

Unicode Output

Unicode objects have a method .encode([encoding=<default encoding>])which returns a Python string encoding the Unicode string using thegiven scheme (see Codecs).

print u := print u.encode() # using the <default encoding>str(u) := u.encode() # using the <default encoding>repr(u) := "u%s" % repr(u.encode('unicode-escape'))

Also see Internal Argument Parsing and Buffer Interface fordetails on how other APIs written in C will treat Unicode objects.

Unicode Ordinals

Since Unicode 3.0 has a 32-bit ordinal character set, theimplementation should provide 32-bit aware ordinal conversionAPIs:

ord(u[:1]) (this is the standard ord() extended to work with Unicode objects) --> Unicode ordinal number (32-bit)unichr(i) --> Unicode object for character i (provided it is 32-bit); ValueError otherwise

Both APIs should go into __builtins__ just like their stringcounterparts ord() and chr().

Note that Unicode provides space for private encodings. Usage ofthese can cause different output representations on differentmachines. This problem is not a Python or Unicode problem, but amachine setup and maintenance one.

Unicode objects should compare equal to other objects after theseother objects have been coerced to Unicode. For strings thismeans that they are interpreted as Unicode string using the<default encoding>.

Unicode objects should return the same hash value as their ASCIIequivalent strings. Unicode strings holding non-ASCII values arenot guaranteed to return the same hash values as the defaultencoded equivalent string representation.

When compared using cmp() (or PyObject_Compare()) theimplementation should mask TypeErrors raised during the conversionto remain in synch with the string behavior. All other errorssuch as ValueErrors raised during coercion of strings to Unicodeshould not be masked and passed through to the user.

In containment tests (‘a’ in u’abc’ and u’a’ in ‘abc’) both sidesshould be coerced to Unicode before applying the test. Errorsoccurring during coercion (e.g. None in u’abc’) should not bemasked.


Using Python strings and Unicode objects to form new objectsshould always coerce to the more precise format, i.e. Unicodeobjects.

All string methods should delegate the call to an equivalentUnicode object method call by converting all involved strings toUnicode and then applying the arguments to the Unicode method ofthe same name, e.g.

string.join((s,u),sep) := (s + sep) + usep.join((s,u)) := (s + sep) + u

For a discussion of %-formatting w/r to Unicode objects, seeFormatting Markers.


UnicodeError is defined in the exceptions module as a subclass ofValueError. It is available at the C level viaPyExc_UnicodeError. All exceptions related to Unicodeencoding/decoding should be subclasses of UnicodeError.

Codecs (Coder/Decoders) Lookup

A Codec (see Codec Interface Definition) search registry should beimplemented by a module “codecs”:


Search functions are expected to take one argument, the encodingname in all lower case letters and with hyphens and spacesconverted to underscores, and return a tuple of functions(encoder, decoder, stream_reader, stream_writer) taking thefollowing arguments:

encoder and decoder
These must be functions or methods which have the sameinterface as the .encode/.decode methods of Codec instances(see Codec Interface). The functions/methods are expected towork in a stateless mode.
stream_reader and stream_writer
These need to be factory functions with the followinginterface:

The factory functions must return objects providing theinterfaces defined by StreamWriter/StreamReader resp. (seeCodec Interface). Stream codecs can maintain state.

Possible values for errors are defined in the Codec sectionbelow.

In case a search function cannot find a given encoding, it shouldreturn None.

Aliasing support for encodings is left to the search functions toimplement.

The codecs module will maintain an encoding cache for performancereasons. Encodings are first looked up in the cache. If notfound, the list of registered search functions is scanned. If nocodecs tuple is found, a LookupError is raised. Otherwise, thecodecs tuple is stored in the cache and returned to the caller.

To query the Codec instance the following API should be used:


This will either return the found codecs tuple or raise aLookupError.

Standard Codecs

Standard codecs should live inside an encodings/ package directoryin the Standard Python Code Library. The file of thatdirectory should include a Codec Lookup compatible search functionimplementing a lazy module based codec lookup.

Python should provide a few standard codecs for the most relevantencodings, e.g.

'utf-8': 8-bit variable length encoding'utf-16': 16-bit variable length encoding (little/big endian)'utf-16-le': utf-16 but explicitly little endian'utf-16-be': utf-16 but explicitly big endian'ascii': 7-bit ASCII codepage'iso-8859-1': ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1) codepage'unicode-escape': See Unicode Constructors for a definition'raw-unicode-escape': See Unicode Constructors for a definition'native': Dump of the Internal Format used by Python

Common aliases should also be provided per default, e.g.‘latin-1’ for ‘iso-8859-1’.

Note: ‘utf-16’ should be implemented by using and requiring byteorder marks (BOM) for file input/output.

All other encodings such as the CJK ones to support Asian scriptsshould be implemented in separate packages which do not getincluded in the core Python distribution and are not a part ofthis proposal.

Codecs Interface Definition

The following base class should be defined in the module “codecs”.They provide not only templates for use by encoding moduleimplementors, but also define the interface which is expected bythe Unicode implementation.

Note that the Codec Interface defined here is well suitable for alarger range of applications. The Unicode implementation expectsUnicode objects on input for .encode() and .write() and characterbuffer compatible objects on input for .decode(). Output of.encode() and .read() should be a Python string and .decode() mustreturn an Unicode object.

First, we have the stateless encoders/decoders. These do not workin chunks as the stream codecs (see below) do, because allcomponents are expected to be available in memory.

class Codec: """Defines the interface for stateless encoders/decoders. The .encode()/.decode() methods may implement different error handling schemes by providing the errors argument. These string values are defined: 'strict' - raise an error (or a subclass) 'ignore' - ignore the character and continue with the next 'replace' - replace with a suitable replacement character; Python will use the official U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER for the builtin Unicode codecs. """ def encode(self,input,errors='strict'): """Encodes the object input and returns a tuple (output object, length consumed). errors defines the error handling to apply. It defaults to 'strict' handling. The method may not store state in the Codec instance. Use StreamCodec for codecs which have to keep state in order to make encoding/decoding efficient. """ def decode(self,input,errors='strict'): """Decodes the object input and returns a tuple (output object, length consumed). input must be an object which provides the bf_getreadbuf buffer slot. Python strings, buffer objects and memory mapped files are examples of objects providing this slot. errors defines the error handling to apply. It defaults to 'strict' handling. The method may not store state in the Codec instance. Use StreamCodec for codecs which have to keep state in order to make encoding/decoding efficient. """

StreamWriter and StreamReader define the interface for statefulencoders/decoders which work on streams. These allow processingof the data in chunks to efficiently use memory. If you havelarge strings in memory, you may want to wrap them with cStringIOobjects and then use these codecs on them to be able to do chunkprocessing as well, e.g. to provide progress information to theuser.

class StreamWriter(Codec): def __init__(self,stream,errors='strict'): """Creates a StreamWriter instance. stream must be a file-like object open for writing (binary) data. The StreamWriter may implement different error handling schemes by providing the errors keyword argument. These parameters are defined: 'strict' - raise a ValueError (or a subclass) 'ignore' - ignore the character and continue with the next 'replace'- replace with a suitable replacement character """ = stream self.errors = errors def write(self,object): """Writes the object's contents encoded to """ data, consumed = self.encode(object,self.errors) def writelines(self, list): """Writes the concatenated list of strings to the stream using .write(). """ self.write(''.join(list)) def reset(self): """Flushes and resets the codec buffers used for keeping state. Calling this method should ensure that the data on the output is put into a clean state, that allows appending of new fresh data without having to rescan the whole stream to recover state. """ pass def __getattr__(self,name, getattr=getattr): """Inherit all other methods from the underlying stream. """ return getattr(,name)class StreamReader(Codec): def __init__(self,stream,errors='strict'): """Creates a StreamReader instance. stream must be a file-like object open for reading (binary) data. The StreamReader may implement different error handling schemes by providing the errors keyword argument. These parameters are defined: 'strict' - raise a ValueError (or a subclass) 'ignore' - ignore the character and continue with the next 'replace'- replace with a suitable replacement character; """ = stream self.errors = errors def read(self,size=-1): """Decodes data from the stream and returns the resulting object. size indicates the approximate maximum number of bytes to read from the stream for decoding purposes. The decoder can modify this setting as appropriate. The default value -1 indicates to read and decode as much as possible. size is intended to prevent having to decode huge files in one step. The method should use a greedy read strategy meaning that it should read as much data as is allowed within the definition of the encoding and the given size, e.g. if optional encoding endings or state markers are available on the stream, these should be read too. """ # Unsliced reading: if size < 0: return self.decode([0] # Sliced reading: read = decode = self.decode data = read(size) i = 0 while 1: try: object, decodedbytes = decode(data) except ValueError,why: # This method is slow but should work under pretty # much all conditions; at most 10 tries are made i = i + 1 newdata = read(1) if not newdata or i > 10: raise data = data + newdata else: return object def readline(self, size=None): """Read one line from the input stream and return the decoded data. Note: Unlike the .readlines() method, this method inherits the line breaking knowledge from the underlying stream's .readline() method -- there is currently no support for line breaking using the codec decoder due to lack of line buffering. Subclasses should however, if possible, try to implement this method using their own knowledge of line breaking. size, if given, is passed as size argument to the stream's .readline() method. """ if size is None: line = else: line = return self.decode(line)[0] def readlines(self, sizehint=0): """Read all lines available on the input stream and return them as list of lines. Line breaks are implemented using the codec's decoder method and are included in the list entries. sizehint, if given, is passed as size argument to the stream's .read() method. """ if sizehint is None: data = else: data = return self.decode(data)[0].splitlines(1) def reset(self): """Resets the codec buffers used for keeping state. Note that no stream repositioning should take place. This method is primarily intended to be able to recover from decoding errors. """ pass def __getattr__(self,name, getattr=getattr): """ Inherit all other methods from the underlying stream. """ return getattr(,name)

Stream codec implementors are free to combine the StreamWriter andStreamReader interfaces into one class. Even combining all thesewith the Codec class should be possible.

Implementors are free to add additional methods to enhance thecodec functionality or provide extra state information needed forthem to work. The internal codec implementation will only use theabove interfaces, though.

It is not required by the Unicode implementation to use these baseclasses, only the interfaces must match; this allows writingCodecs as extension types.

As guideline, large mapping tables should be implemented usingstatic C data in separate (shared) extension modules. That waymultiple processes can share the same data.

A tool to auto-convert Unicode mapping files to mapping modulesshould be provided to simplify support for additional mappings(see References).


The .split() method will have to know about what is consideredwhitespace in Unicode.

Case Conversion

Case conversion is rather complicated with Unicode data, sincethere are many different conditions to respect. See

for some guidelines on implementing case conversion.

For Python, we should only implement the 1-1 conversions includedin Unicode. Locale dependent and other special case conversions(see the Unicode standard file SpecialCasing.txt) should be leftto user land routines and not go into the core interpreter.

The methods .capitalize() and .iscapitalized() should follow thecase mapping algorithm defined in the above technical report asclosely as possible.

Line Breaks

Line breaking should be done for all Unicode characters having theB property as well as the combinations CRLF, CR, LF (interpretedin that order) and other special line separators defined by thestandard.

The Unicode type should provide a .splitlines() method whichreturns a list of lines according to the above specification. SeeUnicode Methods.

Unicode Character Properties

A separate module “unicodedata” should provide a compact interfaceto all Unicode character properties defined in the standard’sUnicodeData.txt file.

Among other things, these properties provide ways to recognizenumbers, digits, spaces, whitespace, etc.

Since this module will have to provide access to all Unicodecharacters, it will eventually have to contain the data fromUnicodeData.txt which takes up around 600kB. For this reason, thedata should be stored in static C data. This enables compilationas shared module which the underlying OS can shared betweenprocesses (unlike normal Python code modules).

There should be a standard Python interface for accessing thisinformation so that other implementors can plug in their ownpossibly enhanced versions, e.g. ones that do decompressing of thedata on-the-fly.

Private Code Point Areas

Support for these is left to user land Codecs and not explicitlyintegrated into the core. Note that due to the Internal Formatbeing implemented, only the area between \uE000 and \uF8FF isusable for private encodings.

Internal Format

The internal format for Unicode objects should use a Pythonspecific fixed format <PythonUnicode> implemented as ‘unsignedshort’ (or another unsigned numeric type having 16 bits). Byteorder is platform dependent.

This format will hold UTF-16 encodings of the correspondingUnicode ordinals. The Python Unicode implementation will addressthese values as if they were UCS-2 values. UCS-2 and UTF-16 arethe same for all currently defined Unicode character points.UTF-16 without surrogates provides access to about 64k charactersand covers all characters in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) ofUnicode.

It is the Codec’s responsibility to ensure that the data they passto the Unicode object constructor respects this assumption. Theconstructor does not check the data for Unicode compliance or useof surrogates.

Future implementations can extend the 32 bit restriction to thefull set of all UTF-16 addressable characters (around 1Mcharacters).

The Unicode API should provide interface routines from<PythonUnicode> to the compiler’s wchar_t which can be 16 or 32bit depending on the compiler/libc/platform being used.

Unicode objects should have a pointer to a cached Python stringobject <defenc> holding the object’s value using the <defaultencoding>. This is needed for performance and internal parsing(see Internal Argument Parsing) reasons. The buffer is filledwhen the first conversion request to the <default encoding> isissued on the object.

Interning is not needed (for now), since Python identifiers aredefined as being ASCII only.

codecs.BOM should return the byte order mark (BOM) for the formatused internally. The codecs module should provide the followingadditional constants for convenience and reference (codecs.BOMwill either be BOM_BE or BOM_LE depending on the platform):

BOM_BE: '\376\377' (corresponds to Unicode U+0000FEFF in UTF-16 on big endian platforms == ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE)BOM_LE: '\377\376' (corresponds to Unicode U+0000FFFE in UTF-16 on little endian platforms == defined as being an illegal Unicode character)BOM4_BE: '\000\000\376\377' (corresponds to Unicode U+0000FEFF in UCS-4)BOM4_LE: '\377\376\000\000' (corresponds to Unicode U+0000FFFE in UCS-4)

Note that Unicode sees big endian byte order as being “correct”.The swapped order is taken to be an indicator for a “wrong”format, hence the illegal character definition.

The configure script should provide aid in deciding whether Pythoncan use the native wchar_t type or not (it has to be a 16-bitunsigned type).

Buffer Interface

Implement the buffer interface using the <defenc> Python stringobject as basis for bf_getcharbuf and the internal buffer forbf_getreadbuf. If bf_getcharbuf is requested and the <defenc>object does not yet exist, it is created first.

Note that as special case, the parser marker “s#” will not returnraw Unicode UTF-16 data (which the bf_getreadbuf returns), butinstead tries to encode the Unicode object using the defaultencoding and then returns a pointer to the resulting string object(or raises an exception in case the conversion fails). This wasdone in order to prevent accidentally writing binary data to anoutput stream which the other end might not recognize.

This has the advantage of being able to write to output streams(which typically use this interface) without additionalspecification of the encoding to use.

If you need to access the read buffer interface of Unicodeobjects, use the PyObject_AsReadBuffer() interface.

The internal format can also be accessed using the‘unicode-internal’ codec, e.g. via u.encode('unicode-internal').


Should have native Unicode object support. The objects should beencoded using platform independent encodings.

Marshal should use UTF-8 and Pickle should either chooseRaw-Unicode-Escape (in text mode) or UTF-8 (in binary mode) asencoding. Using UTF-8 instead of UTF-16 has the advantage ofeliminating the need to store a BOM mark.

Regular Expressions

Secret Labs AB is working on a Unicode-aware regular expressionmachinery. It works on plain 8-bit, UCS-2, and (optionally) UCS-4internal character buffers.

Also see

for some remarks on how to treat Unicode REs.

Formatting Markers

Format markers are used in Python format strings. If Pythonstrings are used as format strings, the following interpretationsshould be in effect:

'%s': For Unicode objects this will cause coercion of the whole format string to Unicode. Note that you should use a Unicode format string to start with for performance reasons.

In case the format string is an Unicode object, all parameters arecoerced to Unicode first and then put together and formattedaccording to the format string. Numbers are first converted tostrings and then to Unicode.

'%s': Python strings are interpreted as Unicode string using the <default encoding>. Unicode objects are taken as is.

All other string formatters should work accordingly.


u"%s %s" % (u"abc", "abc") == u"abc abc"

Internal Argument Parsing

These markers are used by the PyArg_ParseTuple() APIs:

Check for Unicode object and return a pointer to it
For Unicode objects: return a pointer to the object’s<defenc> buffer (which uses the <default encoding>).
Access to the default encoded version of the Unicode object(see Buffer Interface); note that the length relates tothe length of the default encoded string rather than theUnicode object length.
Same as “s#”.
Takes two parameters: encoding (const char *) and buffer(char **).

The input object is first coerced to Unicode in the usualway and then encoded into a string using the givenencoding.

On output, a buffer of the needed size is allocated andreturned through *buffer as NULL-terminated string. Theencoded may not contain embedded NULL characters. Thecaller is responsible for calling PyMem_Free() to free theallocated *buffer after usage.

Takes three parameters: encoding (const char *), buffer(char **) and buffer_len (int *).

The input object is first coerced to Unicode in the usualway and then encoded into a string using the givenencoding.

If *buffer is non-NULL, *buffer_len must be set tosizeof(buffer) on input. Output is then copied to *buffer.

If *buffer is NULL, a buffer of the needed size isallocated and output copied into it. *buffer is thenupdated to point to the allocated memory area. The calleris responsible for calling PyMem_Free() to free theallocated *buffer after usage.

In both cases *buffer_len is updated to the number ofcharacters written (excluding the trailing NULL-byte).The output buffer is assured to be NULL-terminated.


Using “es#” with auto-allocation:

static PyObject *test_parser(PyObject *self, PyObject *args){ PyObject *str; const char *encoding = "latin-1"; char *buffer = NULL; int buffer_len = 0; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "es#:test_parser", encoding, &buffer, &buffer_len)) return NULL; if (!buffer) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "buffer is NULL"); return NULL; } str = PyString_FromStringAndSize(buffer, buffer_len); PyMem_Free(buffer); return str;}

Using “es” with auto-allocation returning a NULL-terminated string:

static PyObject *test_parser(PyObject *self, PyObject *args){ PyObject *str; const char *encoding = "latin-1"; char *buffer = NULL; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "es:test_parser", encoding, &buffer)) return NULL; if (!buffer) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "buffer is NULL"); return NULL; } str = PyString_FromString(buffer); PyMem_Free(buffer); return str;}

Using “es#” with a pre-allocated buffer:

static PyObject *test_parser(PyObject *self, PyObject *args){ PyObject *str; const char *encoding = "latin-1"; char _buffer[10]; char *buffer = _buffer; int buffer_len = sizeof(_buffer); if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "es#:test_parser", encoding, &buffer, &buffer_len)) return NULL; if (!buffer) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "buffer is NULL"); return NULL; } str = PyString_FromStringAndSize(buffer, buffer_len); return str;}

File/Stream Output

Since file.write(object) and most other stream writers use the“s#” or “t#” argument parsing marker for querying the data towrite, the default encoded string version of the Unicode objectwill be written to the streams (see Buffer Interface).

For explicit handling of files using Unicode, the standard streamcodecs as available through the codecs module should be used.

The codecs module should provide a short-cutopen(filename,mode,encoding) available which also assures thatmode contains the ‘b’ character when needed.

File/Stream Input

Only the user knows what encoding the input data uses, so nospecial magic is applied. The user will have to explicitlyconvert the string data to Unicode objects as needed or use thefile wrappers defined in the codecs module (see File/StreamOutput).

All Python string methods, plus:

.encode([encoding=<default encoding>][,errors="strict"]) --> see Unicode Output.splitlines([include_breaks=0]) --> breaks the Unicode string into a list of (Unicode) lines; returns the lines with line breaks included, if include_breaks is true. See Line Breaks for a specification of how line breaking is done.

Code Base

We should use Fredrik Lundh’s Unicode object implementation asbasis. It already implements most of the string methods neededand provides a well written code base which we can build upon.

The object sharing implemented in Fredrik’s implementation shouldbe dropped.

Test Cases

Test cases should follow those in Lib/test/ andinclude additional checks for the Codec Registry and the StandardCodecs.


History of this Proposal

[ed. note: revisions prior to 1.7 are available in the CVS historyof Misc/unicode.txt from the standard Python distribution. Allsubsequent history is available via the CVS revisions on thisfile.]


  • Added note about the changed behaviour of “s#”.


  • Changed <defencstr> to <defenc> since this is the name used in theimplementation.
  • Added notes about the usage of <defenc> inthe buffer protocol implementation.


  • Added notes about setting the <default encoding>.
  • Fixed some typos (thanks to Andrew Kuchling).
  • Changed <defencstr> to <utf8str>.


  • Added note about mixed type comparisons and contains tests.
  • Changed treating of Unicode objects in format strings (ifused with '%s' % u they will now cause the format string tobe coerced to Unicode, thus producing a Unicode object onreturn).
  • Added link to IANA charset names (thanks to LarsMarius Garshol).
  • Added new codec methods .readline(),.readlines() and .writelines().


  • Added new “es” and “es#” parser markers


  • Removed POD about


  • Added note about comparisons and hash values.
  • Added note about case mapping algorithms.
  • Changed stream codecs .read() and .write() methodto match the standard file-like objectmethods (bytes consumed information is no longer returned bythe methods)


  • changed encode Codec method to be symmetric to the decode method(they both return (object, data consumed) now and thus becomeinterchangeable);
  • removed __init__ method of Codec class (themethods are stateless) and moved the errors argument down tothe methods;
  • made the Codec design more generic w/r to typeof input and output objects;
  • changed StreamWriter.flush to StreamWriter.reset in order toavoid overriding the stream’s .flush() method;
  • renamed .breaklines() to .splitlines();
  • renamed the module unicodec to codecs;
  • modified the File I/O section to refer to the stream codecs.


  • changed errors keyword argument definition;
  • added ‘replace’ error handling;
  • changed the codec APIs to accept buffer likeobjects on input;
  • some minor typo fixes;
  • added Whitespace section and included references for Unicode characters thathave the whitespace and the line break characteristic;
  • added note that search functions can expect lower-case encoding names;
  • dropped slicing and offsets in the codec APIs


  • added encodings package and raw unicode escape encoding;
  • untabified the proposal;
  • added notes on Unicode format strings;
  • added .breaklines() method


  • added a whole new set of codec APIs;
  • added a different encoder lookup scheme;
  • fixed some names


  • changed “s#” to “t#”;
  • changed <defencbuf> to <defencstr> holdinga real Python string object;
  • changed Buffer Interface todelegate requests to <defencstr>’s buffer interface;
  • removed the explicit reference to the unicodec.codecs dictionary (themodule can implement this in way fit for the purpose);
  • removed the settable default encoding;
  • move UnicodeError from unicodec to exceptions;
  • “s#” not returns the internal data;
  • passed the UCS-2/UTF-16 checking from the Unicode constructorto the Codecs


  • moved to unicodec.BOM;
  • added sections on case mapping,
  • private use encodings and Unicode character properties


  • added Codec interface, notes on %-formatting,
  • changed some encoding details,
  • added comments on stream wrappers,
  • fixed some discussion points (most important: Internal Format),
  • clarified the ‘unicode-escape’ encoding, added encodingreferences


  • added references, comments on codec modules, the internal format,bf_getcharbuffer and the RE engine;
  • added ‘unicode-escape’encoding proposed by Tim Peters and fixed repr(u) accordingly


  • integrated Guido’s suggestions, added stream codecs and file wrapping


  • first version
PEP 100 – Python Unicode Integration | (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.