Barn Swallow Nesting (All You Need To Know) (2024)

The Barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) is one of the most widely distributed birds globally. In fact, this hugely successful bird is likely the most widely distributed Passerine bird and lives on every continent except Antarctica.

Barn swallows are fairly vocal birds, and can usually be heard frequently calling during their impressive displays of acrobatic flight. Chances are, wherever you live, a Barn swallow likely lives near you.

In this article, we'll dive into the details of Barn swallow nesting behaviors along with the type of habitat, and many more interesting facts.

Where do barn swallows nest?

As the name suggests, Barn swallows typically nest in buildings. They’ve had a close relationship with humans for thousands of years and are one of the most studied birds. While many building-nesting birds are deemed a nuisance, Barn swallows are often encouraged as they keep insect populations at bay. Barn swallows prefer open buildings near fields or agricultural land. Rarely, they choose to nest in rocky alcoves or cliffsides.

Barn swallow nests are quite incredible as they can be built on platforms or on vertical walls or beams. To secure the nest to the wall, Barn swallows trowel mud and mix it with grass, stems, and other foliage. Then, they plaster the mud to the wall before lining the nest with soft leaves and feathers. The result is a mud-cup nest ‘glued’ to a vertical wall or beam.

Because they use mud to build the nest, Barn swallows typically choose nesting sites near water. They’re often spotted scooping up mud in their small beaks, transporting it to the nest, and applying it carefully. They can make some 15 trips to and from the nest per hour. Both the male and female build the nest, though the female often does the bulk of the structural work.

Of course, there’s much more to learn about the nesting habits of these fantastic birds!

Key Barn Swallow Nesting Facts
Nesting seasonMay to August
Nesting materialTrowel mud, mixed with grass, stems, and other foliage
Nest typeMud, platform or vertical on walls and beams
Nest locationOpen buildings near fields or agricultural land
Number of broodsTwo broods
Clutch size4 - 5 eggs
Egg colourCreamy white or soft pink-white, with dark spotting
Egg size20 x 14 mm
Egg weight1.9 g
Incubation period16 - 18 days, mainly by the female
Fledgling period20 - 22 days
Reuse nestsYes
Use nest boxesYes

What do barn swallow nests look like?

Barn swallow nests are small, cup-shaped, and made from mud. They are usually built on a ledge or in a crevice. These distinctive nests are crafted from small pellets of mud that are glued together to create a hard three-dimensional form. Once the mud cup has been secured, the birds work together to line the interior with grass and feathers.

Barn swallow nests are either built on a vertical or horizontal plane. Some studies have shown that the birds prefer to build nests on a horizontal platform (as is conventional), but they’re perfectly content to build on a vertical wall or beam with no support from below.

Barn Swallow Nesting (All You Need To Know) (3)

Barn Swallow feeding chicks inside the nest

What time of year do barn swallows nest?

Barn swallow nesting in North America and Central Europe typically starts in late April and early May, but in North Europe, they might wait until June or even later. In the south, Barn swallows can nest as early as November. In Argentina, for example, nest building often gets underway in late October, depending on the weather.

In hotter climates, Barn swallow nesting occurs throughout much of the year. The birds may raise as many as three broods, either in sequence or dispersed throughout the year.

Barn Swallow Nesting (All You Need To Know) (4)

Barn swallow in the nest

What month do barn swallows lay eggs?

Barn swallows typically lay eggs in May at the earliest in North America and Central Europe. In northern Europe, e.g., Russia and Scandinavia, egg-laying occurs later, around June.

In the south, e.g., in Central and South America, egg-laying occurs earlier. In Argentina as early as November.

Barn Swallow Nesting (All You Need To Know) (5)

Barn Swallow chicks in the nest waiting to be fed

How long do barn swallows nest for?

Barn swallows take around 14 to 20 days to build their nest, the young are incubated for 14 to 16 days, and the young will leave the nest in 18 to 23 days.

Then, the pair may raise a second brood shortly after. If Barn swallows raise a second brood, they reuse the same nest about 50% of the time. Nests are often reused year after year. Overall, Barn swallows probably nest for around two months.

How do barn swallows build their nests?

Barn swallows return from migration and inspect many nesting sites in quick succession. These gregarious birds often build their nests in close proximity to each other (around 30cm minimum).

A typical nesting site is well-sheltered and covered from the rain, which is vital to ensure the nest isn’t ruined by bad weather. In addition, while Barn swallows often prefer to build on a hard, horizontal platform, they often build their nest on a vertical wall or beam.

Once the nesting site is chosen, the male and female will work together to gather mud from a nearby pond, lake, or puddle. Then, they scoop the mud up in their mandible and apply it to the wall incrementally. The mud cup is around 10 to 15cm wide, and the walls are approximately 2.5cm thick.

Barn Swallow Nesting (All You Need To Know) (6)

A nesting pair of barn swallows collecting mud to build the nest

The main mud cup structure can take around two weeks to build. Once complete, the birds will start to line the cup with grass and feathers, which can take approximately five days. The resulting structure is often very strong, and some have reportedly survived for 30-years!

The breeding success of Barn swallows is also typically high (70 to 90%), which is a testament to the dedication and ingenuity of these magnificent birds.

Barn Swallow Nesting (All You Need To Know) (7)

Barn Swallow building the nest

When do baby barn swallows leave the nest?

Baby barn swallows typically leave the nest and fledge after around 18 to 23 days, but they can leave after just 14 days if the nest is disturbed.

After they leave the nest, the parents often feed the birds for another 1 to 2 weeks before becoming fully independent.

How many broods do barn swallows have?

Barn swallows have between 1 and 3 broods per year. In Europe and North America, they’re more likely to have a single brood, or two broods at most. If the couple raise a successful brood early in the season, they’re more likely to have a second.

In warmer climates, Barn swallows may have three broods dispersed over a period of 2 to 5 months.

Barn Swallow Nesting (All You Need To Know) (8)

A Barn swallow feeding recently fledged chicks

Do barn swallows nest in the same place every year?

Barn swallows often reuse the nests for their second broods and the next breeding season. One study showed that some 44% of Barn swallows of the same colony reused the same nests the following year after they were built.

When Barn swallows return to their nesting sites, they inspect the nests for their quality and also check for any parasites or nesting insects. Clean, sanitary nests are prioritized. Some long-lasting nests last for years - one in Nebraska survived for around 30-years and was maintained with new mud every year.

What do barn swallow eggs look like?

Barn sparrow eggs are a creamy white or soft pink-white. They’re slightly glossy and are adorned with purplish, reddish, brownish, or light-brown spots.

Barn Swallow Nesting (All You Need To Know) (9)

Barn Swallow eggs inside the nest

How big are Barn swallow eggs?

Barn swallow eggs measure around 2 x 1.4 centimeters. The eggs are ovular rather than elliptical and are extremely small, weighing just 1.8 to 2.0g.

Do barn swallows use nest boxes?

Barn swallows are considered cavity-nesting birds and will use sheltered nest boxes mounted underneath covered areas.

These types of nesting boxes are best installed in open, wooden structures (e.g., barns), next to farmland or open fields. Barn swallows are excellent for keeping insect populations at bay.

Barn Swallow Nesting (All You Need To Know) (10)

Hungry Barn swallow chicks begging for food

Do barn swallows nest in backyards?

Barn swallows will certainly nest in any outbuildings, especially wooden barns and covered, open buildings. However, they’re also observed attaching their nests to steel structures.

If you have a tall, open structure in your backyard, then Barn swallows might be attracted to it. They prefer nesting sites that are well-sheltered from the wind and rain.

Barn Swallow Nesting (All You Need To Know) (2024)


Barn Swallow Nesting (All You Need To Know)? ›

Both male and female build the nest cup using mud. They collect mud in their bills and often mix it with grass stems to make pellets. They first construct a small shelf to sit on, then build up the nest's sides. If built against a wall or other vertical surface the result is a semicircular, half-cup shape.

How long do baby barn swallows stay in the nest? ›

With their colorful mouth linings, bright sparkly eyes, and soft plumage, many people find baby Barn Swallows especially endearing. These little birds remain in the nest until they are 18-23 days old and weigh about 17.5 grams.

Do barn swallows return to the same nest every year? ›

Each year, about 44 percent of all barn swallows will return to nest in the same area they nested the previous year. If the birds decide to renovate their old nest, they begin by throwing out and replacing old nesting material and adding more mud around the nest's rim.

How do you help a barn swallows nest? ›

If you have a suitable outbuilding, leaving a door or window open can encourage Barn Swallows to build a nest inside. Providing a source of mud will also help with nest building. Barn Swallows may use artificial nest cups attached to an appropriate surface, or may build a nest on a provided shelf.

Are barn swallows good to have around the house? ›

Although swallows eat massive quantities of pesky insects, they tend to become the larger pests by building their mud nests on manmade structures. Swallows can damage property and their droppings cause sanitation and health concerns, requiring expensive and time-consuming clean-up and repair.

Do swallows sleep in their nest at night? ›

Cliff Swallows sleep in trees for most of the year, but a breeding bird will start sleeping in the nest as soon as the structure is partially finished.

When can you knock down a swallows nest? ›

Active nests with eggs or chicks inside may not be touched or destroyed without a permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Inactive (empty) nests do not require a permit to destroy.

Should you remove old swallow nests? ›

Re-using an existing nest can save 5–12 days, and obviously makes sense unless the dwelling has a high parasite load, in which case it is better to start again elsewhere. Swallows may make two or more breeding attempts each season, particularly if they are early arrivals.

Should you clean out swallows nests? ›

You can definitely clean out a nest box after the fledglings leave. NestWatch suggests cleaning out nest boxes or birdhouses at the end of the breeding season. This isn't absolutely necessary; often birds will clean it out themselves, but you can lend them a helping hand.

Why do swallows throw eggs out of nests? ›

Objects that were egg-shaped were more readily accepted by the swallows than those in the shape of a star. This suggests that the ejection of parasite eggs is merely a manifestation of their highly developed sense of order in the nest,” Michal Šulc explains.

How to befriend a Barn Swallow? ›

Offer a mud collection area: Barn Swallows need mud to build their nests with. Create an area where mud is offered for swallows to build nests with (generally in May and June) if the ground is dry. You can do this by running a hose along the ground and watering in an area where the ground is muddy when wet.

How do I keep barn swallows from nesting on my porch? ›

Use netting or wire mesh hung diagonally to cover areas where swallows could build nests — typically anyplace like an eave or where a roof and wall meet. Surfaces can also be covered with materials hung vertically to prevent birds from getting to their preferred building sites.

What scares barn swallows away? ›

Sound deterrents such as the Bird Chase Super Sonic play swallow distress calls, letting swallows know the area is not safe to nest in. Create a visual distraction zone by hanging Visual Deterrents, such as the Flash Tape, Predator Eye Balloon and Reflective Eye Diverters.

What smells do barn swallows hate? ›

A blend of peppermint oil and citronella is proven to emit a smell that is offensive to birds but quite pleasant to humans.

How long do swallows sit on their eggs? ›

Nesting Facts
Clutch Size:3-7 eggs
Egg Width:0.5-0.6 in (1.2-1.5 cm)
Incubation Period:12-17 days
Nestling Period:15-27 days
Egg Description:Creamy or pinkish white, spotted with brown, lavender, and gray.
3 more rows

Are barn swallows friendly to humans? ›

Barn Swallows are very comfortable around humans and will nest on sills above doors and windows and on open rafters in various structures including birdwatching blinds. Their long wings attest to their long-distance migration which brings them to the Washington in late March and early April.

Should you put a baby swallow back in the nest? ›

If you find a baby swallow has fallen from the nest and is obviously not ready to be out yet (lack of flight feathers and generally fluffy in appearance) try to place the bird very gently back into the nest. Don't worry the parents will feed it just as before.

Where do swallows go after they fledge? ›

Most Tree Swallows move to large marshes soon after nesting. The attraction seems to be abundant food and beds of cattails or reeds for safe roosting at night. At these stopover or staging places juveniles can become adept at finding and capturing food, and both juveniles and adults can build their energy reserves.

What to do if a baby barn swallow falls out of the nest? ›

If you find a baby bird out of the nest, look to see if it has feathers. If it does not. Make sure it is safe from predators, and contact a rescue organization. If it has feathers, make sure it is safe from predators and let the parents feed and care for it.

Do swallows feed their babies at night? ›

Tree Swallows providing parental care for nestlings must hunt for food almost non-stop, dawn to dusk, from hatching until their young fledge. Female parents have the extra burden of brooding young when they are small.

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