What do I do if I do not intend to live on-campus?
First year students are expected to live on campus, though we will review students’ requests to live off campus if you have extenuating circ*mstances that do not allow you to stay with us. Requests must be submitted either in writing or over the phone with a University Housing staff member, and someone will follow up with you for more information, as needed. Reviews of living off campus for the first year are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and are not guaranteed to be approved.
Do I have a choice of where I live for my first year?
First year students live with other students from their same academic college within a residential college. These communities are predetermined, though there is sometimes variety in building options or floor plan options for you within that community. Students have until May 1 to change their own room assignments in the Housing Portal. If there are room swap requests after that date, they must contact the University Housing office and we can attempt to address requests, though special requests are not guaranteed. Room change requests submitted after June 25 cannot be processed.
What is the Housing Living and Dining Options process for first-time freshmen?
Once you are admitted to ASU and have completed your enrollment deposit, housing options will be presented to you based on your campus and academic major. You should review your options as soon as you have paid your enrollment deposit to improve your chances of receiving your living and dining preferences. Take a moment to explore your housing and dining options. Our schedule of charges and deadlines will make sure you don't miss an important deadline or step in the housing process.
Through the My Housing Portal, you can access the roommate finder tool and self-select the room of your preference. You will also select your meal plan throughMy ASU Housing. Through our system, you will be asked to review and agree to the terms of our License Agreement for the full academic year. By signing this agreement, you agree to reside in your on-campus housing assignment for both the fall and spring semesters and are bound financially for the entire academic year. Please read this document carefully before submitting your application.
What are the next steps for housing?
- Authenticate ASURITE ID by logging ontomy.asu.edu
- Pay the $300 ASU Enrollment deposit (for first-time freshman students)
- Apply for on-campus housing using the application which is accessible through My ASU or by visitingthe Housing Portal
- For upper division students - pay the Living & Dining Confirmation payment of $125.00, which will have been charged to the student’s account. Students may choose to defer payment if receiving financial aid.
- Look for the University Housing confirmation of options sent via e-mail and US mail
Is there any space left in the residence halls?
There is a high demand for university housing, and space fills quickly, but we will have the capacity to house all first-year students. There is no guarantee of assignment for upper division, transfer or graduate students.
Is there a Living and Dining Confirmation deadline?
No. University Housing guarantees a space for each first year student.
Priority consideration for non-freshman housing is given to upper division and graduate students who apply early.
I am an Upper Division or Graduate student. How do I apply for housing?
Students admitted as an Upper Division or Graduate student can apply for housing through the Housing Portal. There is a non-refundable confirmation fee of $125.00. Students may choose to defer payment if receiving financial aid.
How do I select my own room and meal plan?
Selecting your own room and meal plan is the most important part of your Housing Portal. The Room Search Wizard directs you to your campus and Residential College or Community to select an applicable building, section, room, and bed. If you are the designated ‘Group Leader’, you need to make sure you select enough spaces for every member of your Roommate Group.
After having a room selected, you are prompted to select a meal plan. Each student in a traditional first year student housing facility is required to carry a meal plan. Without a meal plan selected after selecting a room, the Sparky Meal Plan is the default meal plan selection.
With a room and meal plan selected, you can confirm your application, completing it on both theMy ASU Housing and your My ASU checkbox.